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Rcode 2 8 – Powerful Universal Code Editor

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IDE provides interfaces for users to write code and organize text easily. Combines the functionality of multiple programming processes to one. Some IDEs focus on a specific programming language, but many have cross-language capabilities. IDE comes with 3 key tools used by most of the developers such as source code editors, debuggers, and compilers. Mac App Store is the simplest way to find and download apps for your Mac. To download apps from the Mac App Store, you need a Mac with OS X 10.6.6 or later. SlickEdit (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X) SlickEdit is the multi-platform, multi-language code editor that gives programmers the ability to create, navigate, modify, build, and debug code faster and more accurately. Features of SlickEdit: Display symbol details with List Members, function/method argument help, and formatted Javadoc/XMLdoc/Doxygen.

  • 594 次查看 37 次下载
  • 分类:开发
  • 标签:xmplify xmls xml provides provide features feature manipulatings manipulating xmls xml intuitives intuitive xmls xml editings editing xmplify analyses analysis xmls xml maintains maintain metadatas metadatum editings editin
  • 时间:2016年12月12日 更新 文件大小: 7.8 MB
  • 开发商:MOSO Corporation 官网首页
  • 支持类型: Mac OS X 10.7 or later
  • 支持语言:未知

来自Mac App Store官方介绍

Xmplify is a powerful new XML editor for OS X. It provides a number of powerful features to make working with and manipulating XML simple and intuitive:

  • Fully XML-aware editing environment - Xmplify analyses your XML as you type, and maintains a rich set of metadata so it can provide intelligent editing aids and suggestions according to your document's content and the current editing context.
  • See your document's structure at a glance - Xmplify provides an outline view of your document that shows its structure, and automatically keeps the outline up-to-date to reflect the latest edits.
  • Auto-complete XML based on its DTD or W3C Schema - Xmplify uses its knowlege of your document's current structure and its definition (DTD or W3C schema) to provide intelligent auto-completion suggestions.
  • Automatic schema derivation - If your document doesn't specify a DTD or W3C schema, Xmplify automatically derives one and seamlessly uses the derived schema for providing intelligent auto-completion suggestions. Xmplify updates the derived schema as you edit your document, so it can always offer accurate suggestions. Xmplify can also derive a schema from multiple source XML documents, so you don't need to compile a 'master' source XML document with all possible cases in order to derive a comprehensive schema.
  • Navigate quickly to element definitions - Xmplify's Goto Specification feature allows you to quickly jump to the location in your document's DTD or W3C XML schema that defines the elements you're working with. If your document doesn't have an explicit DTD or schema, Goto Specification will take you to the relevant entries in the schema that Xmplify has automatically derived for your document.
  • Automatic document verification - If your document specifies a DTD or W3C schema, Xmplify automatically uses that to verify your document's content. The verification results are automatically kept up-to-date as you edit your document.
  • XSL transformations - Xmplify makes applying XSLTs and working with their transformations easy, and with Xmplify's Web preview features you can easily check the output of XSLTs that produce (X)HTML.
  • Web Preview - Xmplify's Web preview feature provides a preview of (X)HTML documents. Previews are automatically kept up to date as you edit your document.
  • Powerful searching by both XPath and Regular Expressions - Incremental search with regex support is built-in, and Xmplify makes it easy to run XPath queries and select matching nodes in your document.
  • Built from the ground up for OS X - Xmplify is a 64-bit native Mac app, designed and built from the ground up to leverage the power and elegance of OS X.



Version 1.8.2:

  • Fixed crash when auto-completing closing tags for elements with a namespace prefix. Thanks to Roman Zakharov, Andrey Protasevich, Alice Maria Gonzalez, Karl Heinz Kremer, Anders Bjarby, Peter Doern, Bill Lee and others for their bug reports.


相关截图 图片数: 1 张(点击图片查看大图)

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  • 下一条:Amethyst

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Rcode 2 8 – Powerful Universal Code Editor Download

1.xmplifyapp.com官方原版v1.8.1192016-11-28网友共享Mac 版点击下载
2.xmplifyapp.com官方原版v1.8.2182016-12-12网友共享Mac 版点击下载


Join us in this short review of some of the most popular code editors available for web developers in 2019.

Using the right code editor is the perfect way to ensure an efficient and productive development workflow. Modern code editors can not only speed up the development process but also provide you with an extensive set of tools that reduce the number of steps you need to take in order to accomplish certain tasks.

In this article, we'll cover some of the best, modern and cross-platform code editors that you can use right now.


🏊Let's dive right in!

🔥 Here are the best 10 code editors for web developers in 2019. Which one is your favorite? #code #editors Click To Tweet

Table of Contents

1. Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a free, open-source and cross-platform code editor developed by Microsoft. Based on the 2018 Stack Overflow Developer Survey(under Popular Development Environments), Visual Studio Code is one of the most popular code editors, being used by more than 34.9% of the developers.

It features a comprehensive suite of editing and debugging tools, lightweight integration with other services and it's also very extensible.

The new Live Share function introduces powerful pair programming capabilities that enable you and your team to collaborate on the same codebase with ease and without the need to configure any development tools, environment settings and so on.

Additionally, VS Code features a solid Git Integration, powerful Intelisense, syntax highlighting for some of the most popular languages and many more awesome features.

If that's not enough, you can easily enhance and customize VS Code using an extensive collection of available plugins provided by Microsoft or created by the community.

2. Sublime Text 3

Sublime Text 3 is a both free and premium, cross-platform code editor, that's not only lightweight & blazing-fast but also extensible.

You can download it for free from the official website and use it as long as you want during your undefined evaluation period with the expectancy to purchase it for only $80.

By default, Sublime Text 3 provides basic autocompletion, syntax highlighting and code folding functionalities. However, using the Sublime Text Package Control you can extend it and add more features including debuggers, new themes, intellisense support and many more.

The latest version of Sublime (3.1) also features improved memory usage (in some cases up to 30%), text rendering with ligatures support, user interactions, syntax definition and new color schemes.

3. Atom

Atom is yet another free, cross-platform and open source code editor that was developed and released by GitHub.

By default, Atom provides syntax highlighting, code completion and code folding and has native support for dozens of different programming languages. It also has native support for GitHub and comes packed with a built-in package manager that you can use to search, install or create your own packages to extend its default functionality.

Similarly to VS Code, it also features a powerful pair programming tool called Teletype that allows multiple developers to join an isolated session and work together.

Atom can also be extended using Atom-IDE which is a set of optional packages to extend and add more language integrations, context-aware language completion and more.

4. Vim

Vim is a powerful open-source terminal editor that's considered to be the 'One Editor to Rule Them All' and comes pre-installed on almost any UNIX-box. It's 100% keyboard-driven (but you can also use the mouse if you'd like) and it's not meant to look good, but to be functional.

While it's extremely powerful, Vim presents a very, very steep learning curve. However, once mastered, Vim shows extreme productivity improvements like handling tasks that took a while to getting them done in an instant with just a few keystrokes.

Right out of the box, Vim doesn't do much other than handle text pretty well. However, extending it with plugins, scripts and fine-tuning it to match your own preferences, Vim will prove to be a very powerful weapon in your coding arsenal.

Compared to other graphical editors like Visual Studio Code, Sublime or Atom, Vim uses just a fraction of the system's memory and loads in an instant while delivering the exact same features (if configured well).

5. Emacs

Emacs is another UNIX-based code editor written in Lisp that's battling Vim in terms of usability and extensibility.

By default, it features content-aware editing modes, including syntax highlighting for many file types, complete built-in documentation and an introductory tutorial for new users.

It's highly customizable and it has first-class support for Lisp and other functional languages and if you're familiar with Lisp, you can get your hands dirty and extend it yourself as it's completely free and open-source.

You can customize Emacs as you see fit and introduce functionality beyond code editing including project planning, using it as a mail client, news reader, calendar and more.

Similarly to Vim, Emacs presents a steep learning curve that can take a while until you get comfortable using its full power.

However, unlike Vim, Emacs does not come preinstalled on every Unix box and the memory usage is slightly higher than of other editor's available, especially if you've extended it with plugins.

6. SpaceMacs

SpaceMacs is a community-driven code editor based on Emacs that features syntax highlighting for major languages, testing and debugging tools.

It tries to bring the power of both Vim and Emacs by allowing users to choose their own preferred editing style.

SpaceMacs is built on top of four important principles: Mnemonics, Discoverability, Consistency and the ability to be 'Crowd-Configured'.

This way, using SpaceMacs you can be sure that each key-binding is organized using consistent, mnemonic prefixes (p for project, etc) that can be intuitive and easily discovered.

SpaceMacs also has a very active and helpful community that you can join, contribute and get help from other members.

7. Notepad++

Notepad++ is an advanced code editor that was released in 2003 and is available only for the Windows platform.

It not only stood the test of time, but also became the 2nd most popular code editor in the StackOverflow Developer Survey for 2017 being used by more than 34% of web developers.

It's blazing-fast and supports various programming languages out of the box, but it's best known for being a brilliant HTML editor.

Some of its features include tabbed editing, supporting external plugins such as macros, smart syntax highlighting, compiler integration, autocomplete and indentation among many others.

8. Brackets

Brackets is an open source, cross-platform code editor developed and released by Adobe under the permissive MIT license.

It was designed from scratch to serve web designers and front-end developers that are working primarily with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Brackets also comes with basic standard features, including auto-completion, syntax highlighting for many programming languages and support for quick editing and various pre-processors.

Another powerful native feature is the Live Preview option that allows developers to open current HTML documents inside Chrome and get a real-time preview of how the document is rendered in the browser.

It also includes an 'extract' feature that allows developers to pull colors, measurements, gradients, fonts and other important data from a PSD file into a ready-made CSS file.

Rcode 2 8 – Powerful Universal Code Editor Software

Finally, Brackets is highly customizable being able to extend its core functionality with the use of extensions available in the official extensions registry.

9. TextMate

TextMate is considered to be 'the missing editor' for Mac OS by brigding UNIX underpinnings and a graphical user interface.

Even though it's open source, TextMate is still a commercial product released under the BSD license and has a decent price tag of $60.

It comes by default with powerful native features including find and replace, column selection, foldable code blocks, code completion, basic syntax highlighting for dozens of programming languages and many others.

TextMate also stands strong in terms of community and the available documentation and both are great places to find official plugins, themes or even submitted by other users.

10. Coda 2

Coda 2 is a powerful code editor for Mac OS and iOS developed and released by Panic Inc, the same company that brought us Transmit, Prompt and more recently Firewatch, the game set in the Wyoming wilderness.

It's currently priced at $99, but you get to use it for free during a 7 days evaluation period.

Coda is a powerful code editor engineered for performance and efficiency. It showcases a modern and intuitive UI and comes packed right out of the box with utilities like code completion, syntax highlighting for various languages, MySQL support, local indexing and many more.

It also features a powerful built-in way to open and manage your local and remote files and an integrated terminal for quick access. Macpilot 11 0 7 download free. In terms of documentation and support, Coda doesn't fall short and has a very active community.

If Coda's default functionality is not enough, you can also choose to install and extend it using an extensive collection of plugins developed by both Panic Inc. and the community.

Rcode 2 8 – Powerful Universal Code Editors


Choosing the best code editor is definitely a subjective topic. However, I think it's best to give each of them a try for a few days and see which one works best for you.

Once you find the right one, make sure to stick to it, master all its ins and outs and in time it will definitely prove to be your best code editor that makes you most productive.

Over to You!

What is your favorite code editor and why? Is there any other code editor that you think should make the list? Let me know in the comments below! Weathersnoop 4 1 90. 😄

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